Thursday, July 25, AD 2024
Louisville, Kentucky
Latitude: 36 50’ 28" N  Longitude: -84 51’ 01" W
469 feet above sea level
Sunrise: 6:40 Sunset: 8:58

Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? 
let him sing psalms. -James the Apostle 







    Back to Work
    Our father, strength of the sky, in hope 
    that your reputation be clean, your movement noted, 
    your pleasure accomplished on the ground as it is
    in the sky; see that everyone has enough to eat today, 
    and pick us up, put us back to work as we have done
    for everyone in our way. Don't lead us off into deep water 
    to see what we'll do but snatch us away 
    from disaster and from rot. 



The First Street Sessions

  1. 1
  2. 2
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  13. 13

Video - Front Porch Friday 4/17/20 - Skull Hill (click it)


Pumpkin Seed Relief

So light, I had to look
     to see if you were still there
Lying on my third finger--
     a tiny football,
No laces, gray green.

I left you on the desk, my
     beloved object,
Had to go back for you
     before I did the dishes.
Then, I forgot you until 
     after the news hour
When I came down to make
     popcorn and drinks.
I put my hand in 
     my pocket
And, there you were,
     smooth with potential.

I noticed you again the next afternoon
     while my wife spoke of her progress.
You felt safe there and I rolled you
     between my fingers.

Till the End of My Days

I snuck into the kitchen where the clarinet bit me.
I'll hobble till the end of my days.

From Whence the Trouble Comes

And, we go on with patches of blue.
Pine nods. Bird passes.

My sleepy head searches the scriptures,
Searches the sky and my rolled-in-fat heart.

Assistance is required from those who have been given much
And conspire to keep, multiply, consolidate

By sermon, by theft, by law, by terror,
By advertisement, pleading manifest destiny,

Hoarding the gift of the Elohim,
Stealing the sweat from the brows of the poor.

These ideas come to me, influenced, I admit
By Woody Guthrie, the rafts of plastic in the sea,

Children starving in a world of plenty,
And John the Apostle who knew from whence the trouble comes.


Let Him In

Our cat, before dawn, began to speak
In a voice like a baby practices speech so I got up
Opened the door to everyone's relief.

I slept again till the daylight came, then opened a can of food.
My other would come soon, open the window to let him in.
Prepared, I tidied the kitchen, then went

To let the Self-Image-of-the-Creator in
To sit and breathe with me awhile.

I Slept Past Noon

I slept past noon after driving in late--
No traffic, not much conversation.
Everything had been said, so we travelled
Tired but awake, alert to the routine,
Buoyed by the magic of music from magic devices.
My companion was up early to sing in the choir.

I came out to a day in mid-motion--
Branches, bugs, tufted seed.

Alive with Sparrows

There are white flowers now, bark fallen from limbs,
A few violets; holly bush nearly bare,

A pocket full of apology, and one of hope,
Strength of sunlight against my back.

There are jet planes too, but no bombs yet
Where fine old houses wait, humans pass

Leafless shrubbery alive with sparrows. 


Peas, lettuce, radishes, and carrots,
Spinach seed too between disasters;
My sleepy head, face out of  focus:
I need a friend to clarify my look,
Make my appearance sharp and effective--
Among the gentle and industrious, one of them,
Free to plant, to water, and to wait. 


All reactions:

Let Him In

Our cat, before dawn, began to speak
In a voice like a baby practices speech so I got up
Opened the door to everyone's relief.

I slept again till the daylight came, then opened a can of food.
My other would come soon, open the window to let him in.
Prepared, I tidied the kitchen, then went

To let the Self-Image-of-the-Creator in
To sit and breathe with me awhile.